Maken-Ki. Special
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Plot Summary:Takeru Ohyama, a young normal yet perverted minded guy, got accepted and now goes to a school that, unknown to him, was where combat and magic is used. On the first day, he meets again after three years: Haruko Amaya, his childhood friend, Inaho Kushiya, a girl who says she’s his fiance, and Kodama Himegami, a blonde who wants to kill him. Finding out that there are many girls there that just don’t like him, he is told that everyone there uses a special magic ability while using an item or weapon called a Maken. Later, he finds that no Maken is acceptable for him and doesn’t know what to do, since in this school the students get into duels that showcase their magic and combat power, to which he seemingly has none.
Other name: Maken-ki! Secret Training, マケン姫っ! ドキドキッ!マケン姫っ!秘密の訓練
Genre: Action, Ecchi, Harem, Martial Arts, School, Super Power
Released: 2011
Status: Completed